Wednesday 17 March 2021 - 18:33
Why can Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) make the world passionate about him?

Abbas Ibn Ali's value resides in his jihad, self-sacrifice, devotion and knowledge of Imam in his time.

Hawzah News AgencyAbal-Fadhl Al-Abbas's value derives from his selfless endeavor, self-sacrifice, sincerity, and loyalty to the Imam of his time; his nobility originates from his patience and resistance; it arises from his refraining to drink water while he was thirsty and standing by the river [in respect and sympathy for his companions who were thirsty].

Abbas Ibn Ali's value resides in his jihad, self-sacrifice, devotion and knowledge of Imam in his time. His significance is his patience and endurance, his refusal to drink water while dehydrated; standing over the river without any religious or customary prohibitions for ingesting water.

The value of those martyred at Karbala resides in the reality that they safeguarded a just cause, in the most difficult conditions anyone could imagine.


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